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Update on Stanford Financial Group Receivership Tenth Distribution Plan


COViSAL For Restitution

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23 de febrero de 2024

Subject: Update on Stanford Financial Group Tenth Distribution Plan

Dear COViSAL Member and follower,

This is an update on the Tenth Interim Distribution Plan from Stanford Financial Group, as discussed in COViSAL message #188.

Distribution Details:

  • The Receiver filed a motion on February 9th, seeking court approval to distribute $72.7 million from the Trustmark National Bank settlement and other available funds.
  • This represents an estimated 1.52% of each approved claim amount.
  • Similar to previous distributions, payments are expected to be sent within 2-3 months of court approval. We are demanding a faster process.

RECEIVER’S MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTH INTERIM DISTRIBUTION PLAN ____________________________________________________________________________________

Through this Motion, the Receiver respectfully requests that the Court approve his tenth interim distribution plan (the “Tenth Interim Plan”). The Tenth Interim Plan will result in pro rata distributions totaling approximately $72.7 million to eligible Investor CD Claimants,1 with such distributions totaling 1.52% of the Allowed Claim Amounts reflected in the Notices of Determination or Conditional Notices of Determination issued to such Investor CD Claimants. The 1.52% distribution under this Tenth Interim Plan will be paid from: (a) the net recovery of $72,492,144.56 collected from the settlement previously reached with Trustmark National Bank (the “Trustmark Settlement”) [see Doc. 3278 (Order approving Trustmark Settlement)];2 and (b) approximately $350,000 from other available Receivership Assets.


1 Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms shall have the same definitions as those set forth in the First Interim Plan. [See Doc. 1877.] This Tenth Interim Plan would provide funds only to eligible Investor CD Claimants, comprising both Receivership Investor CD Claimants and JL Investor CD Claimants, as more particularly defined in the attached proposed Order.

2 The gross amount of the Trustmark Settlement was $100,000,000.00. [See Doc. 3278 at 4.] The Court previously approved $3,343,807.25 in allowed expense disbursements and $24,164,048.19 in attorneys’ fees relating to the Trustmark Settlement. [See Doc. 3279.] After deducting such expense disbursements and attorneys’ fees, $72,492,144.56 remains to be distributed from the Trustmark Settlement. Through the instant Motion, the Receiver also seeks authority to distribute $20,000.00 each to Steven Queyrouze, Guthrie Abbott, Salim Estefenn Uribe, Sarah Elson-Rogers, Diana Suarez, and Ruth Alfille de Penhos from the Trustmark Settlement proceeds, in acknowledgment of their participation and the work they performed as the named, putative class representative plaintiffs.

Link to the original document:


Advocacy Efforts:

COViSAL statement #187-2 urged the Court and the U.S. Receiver to expedite the approval and payment process. While we received an acknowledgment from the Official Investor Committee Chair, it did not respond to our specific questions. We haven't received responses from other recipients either.

Investor Representation:

The court-established Official Investor Committee aims to represent all investors and maximize recoveries. Their responsibilities include providing a voice for investors in the receivership process.

Other Agreements:

The agreements with TD Bank, Independent Bank, HSBC, and Société Générale remain under appeal. We expect updates on these by May or June 2024, potentially sooner.

Next Steps:

We will share official information about the approval, payment lists, and appeals status as soon as it becomes available.

Stay Informed:

Visit the COViSAL website for updates and resources:

Together, we can continue seeking justice and recovery.

COViSAL for Restitution, since 2009.       
Twitter: @COViSAL


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